Hi, my name is Kassi,

I am a deeply seeded spiritualist, connected with the cycles of life.
I feel a strong attunement to Mother Earth, and I love connecting with and painting her divine animals – both from the earthly realm and the celestial realm. It is in this way I share their knowledge and sacred wisdom.

I believe you are a sacred being created for something bigger than the “just is”
I long for a stronger connection with your true nature and wish to embrace the primal energy of our Earth and her cycles as well as your own.
I love hearing beautiful teachings of the divine magic of our earthly and spiritual beings that is us and all others.
I Wish to explore life through love, compassion, and wisdom
I Love exploring the world and yourself through meditation and personal expressions, such as art, free expression, and journaling.
I You believe everyone one and everything is sacred and deserving of life

Tigris is my main guardian I walk this earth with. He is a hybrid of a lion and a lamb. He represents my love and responsibility to my spiritual family and community. He has guided me in this direction since the age of 5 when I had my first visions of the spiritual realm and I first encountered him and my celestial family through drawing.
I lost my mother when I was young, and my father was unable to express his love for me due to his own grief. I found my childhood to be quiet and isolated and I had to lean on my guardian Tigiris to remind me that even when I feel lonely, I have a special family that loves and cares for me very much, just for being my beautiful self
I have faced a few challenges accepting this and, at times, I felt like I walked on the outside of life. I thought that only our Mother Earth, Father Heaven would understand me. I thought I was too different for others to get who I was and love me. But Mother Earth reminded me I was special and that no one is too different for this world.
All her children were special.

For years, I was challenged by this notion as I the cycles I needed to go through (both from the shadow and the light) to start believing in myself. And every time, even though I lacked faith, I still felt their presence moving me to become the full expression of myself and to learn to love what I had become.

Now I realize I was never alone, and I always had Mother Earth and my spiritual family holding my hand. They took me to the right situations to find my place in the world and reminded me I have never been alone all this time. My loneliness was only a pre-constructed idea to protect myself from the loss of my mother and my father’s love which they no longer shared due to their own life realizations. Now that I reflect on it with an open heart, if they realized they had the love and support they needed, things would be very different for me now. However, I wouldn’t be here and I wouldn’t be realizing my potential to bring love and acceptance to greater communities.

Maybe I wouldn’t have learned compassion and how to open my heart to strangers.
Maybe I wouldn’t have the desire to never want others to feel lost, unloved, and lonely again.
Maybe I wouldn’t connect to that more primitive part of myself that had to seek love, community, and family in the most unlikely places, to connect with spirit guardians and to talk to nature.

To this day, I don’t regret what I went through to become the person I am. But I feel compelled to share with others to be open to this magical place that goes beyond the ordinary. I want them to see they can connect with themselves and have faith that something greater is at play to make life extraordinary. But that means you must believe in cycles, mother nature, God, and spiritual and magical beings such as yourself.

There is always an opportunity and connection to life and becoming the best you.

I am the Creator of the Oracle Deck "Guardians of the Green"

I have also Graduated at the IERIA Mystery school and walked all the paths of the SEER, the HEALER, the MYSTIC and The PRIESTESS. I love sharing all the wisdom I have aquired during my years of study at this school.